Incapsula CDN Review

Incapsula is a Cloud-based application. It uses a worldwide content delivery network to offer website security, load balancing, failover services to clients and DDoS protection. The company has various features that are used in the performance and security of websites. These contain DDoS Mitigation, Web Application Firewall (WAF) and a Content Delivery Network (CDN) that the company uses for Caching and Proxy acceleration.

Incapsula WAF provides solutions to secure websites against SQL Injections, illegal resource access and all other OWASP top ten threats, cross site scripting and web 2.0 threats containing fake registrations, comment spam, malicious bots and site scraping. It works by changing a website’s Domain Name System to route the website traffic by Incapsula. Incapsula then clean out malicious attacks from website scrappers and bots. The cached data is returned from a server closest to the end user in order to offer fast page loads. This also removes slow response from central servers because of heavy server traffic.

8 Total Score
Incapsula CDN Review

Incapsula is a Cloud-based application. It uses a worldwide content delivery network to offer website security, load balancing, failover services to clients and DDoS protection.

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Radhu Goyal

Radhu Goyal

smart girl working with

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