LunaCloud hosting review

Luna Cloud cloud computing Service provider, established in Europe. The company was established in 2011 by Charles Nasser and Antonio Miguel Ferreira and started its services to the general public on June 1, 2012. It offers Cloud Computing Service like Cloud Storage and Cloud Servers also Platform Service like Cloud Jelastic and Cloud Mongo. It is a pure-play cloud services provider that delivers elastic, reliable and low cost cloud services. Their network has become so powerful and available that in turned all over. You use it anywhere, all the time. While a few years before they have more compute power as possible in their reach or in a local area network, this example has changed because of the overcome development of the network. The compute power can now exist in the reach of the network.


7 Total Score
LunaCloud Hosting Review

Luna Cloud cloud computing Service provider, established in Europe. The company was established in 2011 by Charles Nasser and Antonio Miguel Ferreira and started its services to the general public on June 1, 2012.

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Radhu Goyal

Radhu Goyal

smart girl working with

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