Limelight Networks CDN Review

Limelight Networks is a CDN (Content Delivery Network) Company. It is based in Tempe, Arizona, U.S.A., with offices in Seattle, San Francisco, Paris, New York, Munich, Washington DC, Delhi, Mumbai, Seoul, London, Lviv, Singapore, Tokyo and Frankfurt. The company manages a global fiber-optic network that serves content publishers avoid sending files over the public Internet but continue to deliver them directly to end-users. In December 2008, their network is directly linked to more than 900 last mile providers and has more than 11 Terabits per second of capacity.

Their talk is cheap. Their delivery is hard. There are few global suppliers who have the muscle to get the job done right.  Limelight Orchestrate CDN provides the unmatched power of their huge global, private network, sponsored by a team of experts proved they have what it takes to get the hottest new, the broadest operating system, and the online events the world has ever seen.

8.5 Total Score
Limelight Networks CDN Review

Limelight Networks is a CDN (Content Delivery Network) Company. It is based in Tempe, Arizona, U.S.A., with offices in Seattle, San Francisco, Paris, New York, Munich, Washington DC, Delhi, Mumbai, Seoul, London, Lviv, Singapore, Tokyo and Frankfurt.

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Radhu Goyal

Radhu Goyal

smart girl working with

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