Cloud computing ‘is an opportunity’

Cloud computing presents a huge array of opportunities to businesses and governments, but organisations need to be acutely aware of the risks as well, it has been claimed. According to Dr Steve Hodgkinson, an Ovum research director, organisations need to look past the hype surrounding the technology and figure out exactly what it can offer them.

He claimed that it is vital that firms and government departments “see the reality of both the opportunities and risks of cloud computing and factor these into both their industry development policies and their internal IT strategies”. In a report that Dr Hodgkinson co-authored, entitled ‘Big data interest bubbling under the surface’, he noted that it is more important than ever that major IT infrastructure overhauls are properly costed and that they come in on time and on budget.

Ovum’s report shows that almost half of all large enterprises will see their IT departments budget for analytics projects in the future. Meanwhile, a third said they would push ahead with such projects in the next year.


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