Apache Stratos Hosting Review

Apache stratos is a PaaS framework that runs tomcat, PHP and mySQl applications. It supports more environments on the entire cloud infrastructure. Stratos provide developers with environment for developing, testing and running healthy and scalable applications. Other features services include optimized rates, resource management, monitoring and billing. Apache stratos community is the only community which is open source and is based on participation instead of financial support. You can have any SSD drive for OS and match all SSD storage with their cloud servers. The model built at stratos is called cartridge model which provides expendability to language, framework and data without using or binding any operating system. In most cases, users have to make and work around what is available around them. In stratos model of cartridge, you can create custom service without any limitations. Almost all the Paas providers in the market provide limited multi-tenancy container. While apache stratos has in container multi tenancy capacity making it unique in PaaS space.



Cloud service model

PaaS as a service

Public cloud

Private cloud

Hybrid cloud

Auto scaling

Load balancing

System monitoring

Vertical and horizontal scaling



Radhu Goyal

Radhu Goyal

smart girl working with genuinehostingreviews.com

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